296133_361216064000303_645744466_nToday the first post in the new category Happy News.

Even tough we live in the social media era, we still send each other cards the old fashioned way.. by mail. I think it’s a great way to communicate. It sends a message to someone that you made the effort to buy the card and put in in the mail.. Once in a while you come across new gadgets that make you go wow. That was the exact word that left my mouth as I saw the cards from  Bloom your message 

bloom kaartGreeting cards made of seed paper(sustainable cotton paper with seeds inside). That’s interesting! I had to find out more. If you put the card, after you have admired it for weeks on the mantel piece, the fridge or on a white board, in to soil …  this paper will grow out into a bunch of blooming flowers. How cool is that? You already surprised a friend with a card through the mail, and after he’s done looking at it, he gets a free bouquet of flowers! I think it’s absolutely brilliant.

 If you thought these people stopped at just cards with wishes on them.. no… you got another surprise coming. They even have business cards. Imagine how cool it would be if a potential client gets a bouquet of flowers, after copying your business info of course! And how about wedding cards or cards to announce the birth of your child?
Bloom’s mission: Surprising people, amazing them and giving them a sense of happiness.  This can only be if there is a balance between ecological, economical and sociological values, according to Bloom’s vision.
If you want to surprise a friend with a special card, keep this idea in mind. Where can you buy these cards? For more information contact Bloom Your Message..
I just noticed that the have a line of Christmas cards. I know where I’ll be getting mine this year. I wonder if they have cards with pine tree seeds in them?? 🙂

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