imagesSB2QEEHQI have a confession to make… I think I’ll have to add 1 day extra to my 100 day being happy challenge. I had a unhappy day, oops. Me.. miss happy minds, can you imagine??  Besides not being happy, the unhappy day made me unhappy too.. A typical case of ooops… It’s a 100 day challenge and surely I can have one day off. I couldn’t see the sun shining, there were grey clouds everywhere, I had a sobbing modus and a little ego with a temper. Even chocolates couldn’t make her feel better.

imagesCF3GGQ74I’m lucky to have a girlfriend who just loves to drink tea and eat apple pie.   The grey clouds slowly passed while we were talking. It helps to talk to someone who knows me so well and helps me to reflect.

Sometimes the idea of being unhappy is actually a valuable lesson about something you needed to see. I was holding on to the idea that going back to a workplace I know well and taking my place there again. Everything would be straightened out once I got back there, I thought.

I’ve come to the conclusion that a new place might be a very good idea and closing a chapter in your life is a very good thing to do. It’s then that you understand that the old and familiar place isn’t all that it seemed. I have cut the cord and decided to let it go. The nice thing about letting go is, that it gives you air, space to think and things start to happen again.

If you get up in the morning and while you get dressed you think ’today I’m going to try my best to put my star up in the sky, so that everyone can see how I shine’… These sentences are from the song for today from Barba Lica. The song inspired .. it’s so true. If you don’t put your star in the sky, no one will see you shine! So that’s up to me, to make that happen.

I got my ladder and put my star back up there..



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imagesSB2QEEHQIk moet iets bekennen… Ik denk dat ik er een dagje langer over ga doen met die 100 dagen happy… Ik had een dagje minder happy, oops.  Ik.. miss happy, kun je dat voorstellen???

Dat zat me naast het niet happy zijn eigenlijk ook best dwars.. Dubbel niet happy.. Gevalletje Oops.. (meer…)


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