imagesIf it’s going to be like this.. I don’t know what to do any more… I hear her say. What to do if you keep giving without receiving? A friend tells me about her relationship.

The story is one I can relate to. Many people will.. The balance in giving and receiving in a relationship. imagesRX9KS1XHIt would be nice if we had a need-to-know manual about us. All our  peculiarities, our expectations and needs. Or even better.. a APP! With a few clicks on the app you would see what works and you could keep that in mind.

One thing is crystal clear, you partner isn’t going to change unless there is a need to do so. You can get annoyed about the untidiness, inefficiency or difference in life style. The other person has a pattern. If you want to change this pattern because YOU get annoyed, they will make the effort, but not for long. They will do it to please you, but not because they wanted to and that will not be enough.

It would be more efficient to know yourself and know what you want  before you try to find a suitable partner. Or you might try math through 1+ 1 = 3  It’s a simple calculation. 1 + 1 would make 2 .

I think the answer should be 3. Why.. It’s a business method. If you put two companies which are functioning perfectly well on their own together, you make a new venture with much more possibilities. Two completes make a new whole. If you separate them, they go back to being well functioning completes.

This is how healthy relationships might work. If you are someone who has a life of your own, got things on track, not independent, it’s nice to add someone to that life. But, that doesn’t work if the addition isn’t self supporting. It’s ok to help someone out, but if that’s a  repeating situation, the balance is disturbed.

Let me state that I’m no trained expert on relationships. A relationship is a life long eduction. Every time you have an experience, you get a certificate. If you find a good fellow student, you’ll learn together, by making mistakes.



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imagesAls dit zo doorgaat dan weet ik het niet meer hoor, hoor ik haar zeggen. Hoe moet dat als je zelf geeft en je krijgt er niets voor terug? Een kennis vertelt over de moeite die ze heeft in de relatie.

Het verhaal is herkenbaar en ik denk dat veel mensen dit gevoel wel mee zullen maken. De balans in geven en nemen in een relatie. (meer…)


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