images1SU9ZKMXWhen I look at him I can’t help but giggle. The Kid President, Robby Novak, only eleven years old. A great actor and a special kid. Novak has  “Brittle Bones Disease”, which makes him susceptible to bone damage. Together with his ‘brother in law’ Brad Montague  he reached 32 million people with his fist video on You Tube where he gives a pep talk for the world.

1390342463-how-kid-president-robby-novak-viral-videos-bringing-more-awesome-into-world-2Kid President  is becoming a brand. Brad first started out making videos with Robby with a cardboard decor and let the Kid President give his opinion on the world.  His positive outlook on things touches people.

In the meantime there are many video’s made with The Kid President. Two years ago he visited the White House and got to meet the real one, President Obama.


The funny way in which Kid President want to make people see how awesome they are is contagious. He also stands up for the less fortunate in the world. He has changed the 10th month of the year into “Socktober” and asks people to donate socks to the homeless. He didn’t quite like the 11th month, so he changed it in to YES-vember instead of No-vember. I like it. It sounds much better.


499706-b4f8023a0f416e13d6a4d8a644485898He will have to wait some years before he can run for president, but he’ll be ready, that’s for sure. He’s already prepared his campaign.

9200000031916619I know I get cheerful watching this little man. If you want to see more… There is a book out (That’s on my Bucket List!) and he has  FB where he is listed as ‘politician’. How cool is that?

Kid President can be seen at Soul Pancake on You Tube. Definitely worth a look!.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all just be cool? I agree. Let’s do that!









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Als ik hem zie kan ik niet anders dan glimlachen. De kid president in Amerika. Robby Novak is de 11 jarige acteur die de rol van kid president speelt.  Dat het een bijzonder jong mens is mag duidelijk zijn. Robby heeft brozebottenziekte,een zeldzame, aangeboren en erfelijke bindweefselaandoening. Samen met zijn ‘zwager’ Brad Montague bereikte Kid President inmiddels 32 miljoen mensen met  het eerste filmpje op youtube waarin hij een peptalk aan de wereld geeft. (meer…)


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