kindness-journey-bannerImagine… you’re 11 years old and you’re going to travel one year long with your mum through America. The mission… spreading kindness. That makes you one cool kid, in my book! This is what Jaden Winn is doing. He started a voluntary adventure with his mother Amanda to share the vision of  Life Vest Inside.

The picture is an example of the person Jaden is. The focus is on the hands and the heart. Not on Jaden.. whom we see vagely in the background!

Jaden is the first Kids Ambassador of Kindness for Life Vest Inside. Amanda Winn had been involved with LVI and it has changed her life in so many ways. She speaks kindness and believes it’s contagious.  It’s works if you share it in a special way.  She had a special idea..

A son, a mother, one year…

The Journey started on September 15th 2014, giving Jaden an opportunity to have all sorts of nice experiences in life. Which 11 year old has the chance to involve in giving unconditionally?

Amanda Winn is a remarkable mother to think of this project and actually start doing it. The two of them will be visiting 11 cities in Amerika, staying for about 5 weeks to spread kindness.

Jaden says: My passion for this journey is that I get the amazing chance to see this epic country, but most of all the privallige to contribute to LVI. I hope it will inspire people to start giving to others.

jaden1If people ask me why I do this in my life, the answer is that when I was 8 years old I had a school assignment about what I wanted to when I grew up. I asked my mother how you call a person who gives money to  people in need. She told me to look the word ‘philantroph’ in the dictionary. That was the moment that my family and I realized that I had an enthusiasm for helping people.

Earlier last year, Amanda woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. She laid there wide awake thinking about the life that was unfolding for her and her son and then something pretty magical happened: she dared to ask this life altering question, “IS THIS MY LIFE I’M LIVING?” and “Does the way we live, provide the kind of ex-ample that I’d most like to set for my son?”

After getting clear NO’s to both questions, she laid there for the rest of that night and pondered what she might do to completely rewrite the story, so that for at least some period of time they could have the experience of what it would be like to just say YES TO THEIR DREAMS and put the status quo on pause. The Kindness Journey is their conscious choice to live a life of giving back.

Jaden and Amanda decided it’s time to take the focus off of themselves and look out to the world around them to learn about others, to learn about themselves, their values and the great difference that can be created by simply giving.

These people are an example of how you can make a change in the world. An act of kindness can cause a huge change for someone .   jaden en amanda.1png 1903cee4-6b34-4a5f-94b8-43a1ba432d28 838ea41a-1d93-4de0-a189-deaf50b25669


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