Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do magic? Like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ . You click the heals of your shining red shoes twice and you are in a different place.
It seems that one can do magic.. and this secret was revealed to us several years ago. It all sounds quiet simple. You want something, you visualize it, get the taste, the smell and the feel of it as if you already have it and then… poofff you let it go and it will happen, some say instantly.
Last week i sat on the couch with two teenagers who had just watched The Secret. I can imagine that these two young ladies are a tough crowd. It all sounds nice, but how will you know if it will really happen? That was the question the asked.
If you were to tell this story to young kids, you would have an enthousiastic audience. Young children love fairy tales, magic and still have the imaginary minds. They will believe without a doubt that anything is possible in the world. Their dads are the worlds most strongest men, Popey did get strong just by eating spinnache, schoolteachters make dreamwives and.. Santaclaus.. oh yes.. he will be there in December, thats for sure.
Somewhere around puberty the believe in possibilities which one can not see directly seems to vanish. Seeing is believing seems to be the way of thinking from that point on.
The secrets does work… honestly. It’s just the last step of the process that is the hardest thing to do. Believing that it will happen, without evidence to back the story.
The reverse way of using the secret is better to cope with for the non-believers. If you start out to think.. Oh please don’t let me have a flat tire today.. The odds of you arriving at your vehicel or bicycle and having a flat tire are fairly high. What you think, is what you will get. It’s the selfforfilling prophecy.
I have come to see that this secret works, but i have discovered that you should be very specific in what to wish for. If you just wish anything, not giving it proper thougt, or not considering if the wish is what you really wanted… you might be in for a surprise. For all you singles… if you call out “i want a relationship”… Be sure darlings… you will get one. If it will be prince charming is not guaranteed. It might be a ba mannered man, with a house full of pets, four small and not well behaving children who would love a new mom.
Doing magic takes some work. Some heavy duty thinking. Be sure to know what you want and even more sure why you want it. Make sure you do not wish for something NOT to happen again… i am betting my money on you getting the same old same old.. over and over again. Do consider if the wish is good for you. Wanting a relationship while mr. or mrs. Wrong is still selecting their underwear from your sockdrawer on their way out of your appartment… I would hold on to the magic wand for just a few more minutes.
If you are absolutely sure.. put it out there. Put pictures on your fridge, in the bathroom, make a wishlist and smile everytime you look at it. After that you just move on with your life.. Don’t think about it … And for heavens sake.. don’t doubt .. If you start doubting… that is what you will get… more doubt and jeeez.. funny that your wish didn’t come true.. because you changed the thinking..
Doing magic is quiet simple… so be carefull what you wish for.
I am busy making a new job happen… but I am still working on the specifics. Once i have the job.. I will let you know.. instantly.