imagesXRG1EZGIIt’s still early as my creative little me wants to post my blog, which I so carefully created to share with the world. I have my coffee, my computer is ready to start the process of sharing. I open the Happy Minds site, ctrl C on the url. The adventure starts. Opening Facebook, ctlr V and that would complete the sharing of my blog.  So you might think…. until you discover that the preview isn’t coming… or (option 2) you get the entire banner of the site as a preview… A deep sign is the result of the sharing problem and the I factor (Irritation) has been turned on.

Timages2SNYYUXUhe process that follows can be named as ‘not having patience’. Trying to copy paste 30 times in a row .. I know.. totally useless, but I do it anyway. Actually I do know why it isn’t working, but because I want it to work NOW, I forget the problem that’s causing this.  That and the fact that I really don’t get why I should have to make sure that my image is the required standard for Facebook. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if they came up with a system that makes all the images fit while you post them?

imagesSFFYVWA1In the creative process of writing, I put the image in the blog and I do know that I have to make it fit for FB, but he… I’m an artist. I’m in the flow.. words flow through me on to the screen and there not one moment that I want to think about Facebook rules in that process. It’s like being a kid who’s fingerprinting and suddenly a grown up comes along and askes if you want to get them something, but you are not allowed to get anything dirty..

I should put it in my resume as a point of improvement, a shadow side. The impatience. It’s not one of my qualities.. However, I went to a workshop last week where someone said that a flaw can also be seen as a positive thing. Me not having patience can be seen as me being a dedicated person. I want to get things done and I am not letting things block my process. Isn’t it wonderful how by changing the way you look at something, you change your qualities 🙂

I do see my impatience as less productive. If I were to take the time to make the image fit, the posting of my blogs wouldn’t be a problem and it would save time and irritation.   I think if I solve the image problem, a new issue will present itself, because it’s in my nature.

There’s one advantage of my impatience… I got to write a blog about it.



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