As I started ‘dressing’ my website and choose an orange banner, my boyfriend had a question mark written all over his face. “Just wait and see until it’s finished” I said. “It’s a bit… orange, he said carefully. “Yes.. don’t you just love it!” I said.
I have a thing for the colour orange. Every time I get drawn to the colour. My business card is orange too. The friend who helped me print it raised his eyebrow too.. Orange? Yes.. Orange!
If I do some research about the meaning of the colour, things fall in to place as to why I like it so much.
Orange person:
Do you like Orange? You must be enthusiastic, adventurous, preferably with people. You are grounded and your love for life is radiant. With your charm and ability to relate to others, you get a lot done. If you are an orange person, you are a loyal colleague who is able to support and stimulate. You just love a challenge at work, solving problems together with your colleagues, being the true team builder you are One of your biggest talents is to unite and create, Always willing to create something beautiful.
I don’t have a full closet with orange clothes, rest assure. I do have some orange items in my house. My favourite one is this chair. I bought it because it made me smile. To be honest.. it still does, every time I look at it.
Colours have an effect on people. For me it’s the colour of happiness, cheerfulness and inspiration. After reading the meaning of being an orange person I don’t think it’s that strange I keep choosing the colour.
If you are curious about what kind of colour you are…