images33NILGVYDidn’t you read my file? asked the patient I was having a conversation with. I just started working at a institution for people with a psychiatric background. “No.. I didn’t”, I said. The patient found that odd and rather unprofessional. “Well, I said, if I read your file and know what you are diagnosed with.. than I will know who you are? ” The patient stared at me, a bit confused and asked.. What do you mean by that?

Well, suppose I saw your file and afterwards I start looking at you as a person with a label on. Than I would only look at you from a perspective of the symptoms I have learned in books and I would not notice who you really are..” Hm.. the patient had to think about that one.

“You know… I’d rather get to know you by what you tell me. Than I meet the real you and not your diagnose.” “That makes sense, the patient said.

imagesEEZFBJHYThe “I am my disease syndrome” is a thing of this century. It’s nice to have an explanation of what you have, for the things you are not capable of doing. It’s just that it comes with a disadvantage as well. If after the diagnose you let that knowledge decide everything in your life, your life becomes handicapped as well.

Than there is the ‘poor me syndrome”. Also popular amongst us humans. I myself have had this syndrome, but luckily I found a cure for it, and I must say I feel much better.

imagesV4VVP0YRWhat is this poor me syndrome?  It’s the idea people have that the world is against them and they are a victim.  The problem is that the disease will not stop because it is a self fulfilling system. The thought of being a victim will never bring you a relationship you so desperately wanted. A poor me person is not very attractive on the dating market.  The syndrome will only en prison you.

Is there a medicine? Is there a book? Is there a therapy?

No. The solution is close, very close.  It’s already inside the poor me person. I’m not denying that the pain people experience is real. I just think that one has choices to cure oneself.

imagesIY8F9A11In my poor me phase it seemed that everyone had more money than I did, had a nicer house and a wonderful relationship. My focus was on everything I didn’t have. I was lucky enough to realize and learn that there is always something to be thankful for. By changing my look on that I changed my life.

I don’t have a job, but I do have a nice life. I have all I need and I have my positive attitude and my dreams of what may come.  Instead of a pity party… I’m having a Gratitude Party and a Lucky-me-syndrome. imagesPAGW9092



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