An inner procrastinator.. She is there when i pass IT every day.. I look and think.. oh that’s right… i will do that in a minute.. and moving on. I pass IT again and i think.. oh right.. I will do that after 18.00 h. And before I know it, it’s time to sleep and I think.. ah well.. tomorrow morning.. first thing on my list.. Me and my IP..
What is IT? IT is my crosstrainer. I have one in my home. I don’t have to spend money at a gym.. I can workout for free. In the luxury of my own home.. at every time I would like to do so. I don’t even dislike the crosstrainer.. I enjoy listening to music from the eighties and working those muscles..
Why does my IP visit me every day? I know that she makes me sigh about myself.. once I realize I didn’t work out.. again.. even though I have all the time in the world and it’s actually something I want to do, because it’s good for me. I can loose some weight and it’s good for the creative thinking process (hmm come to think of that, that works fine without the crosstrainer)
I started looking into the why … I pass my crosstrainer.. and a thought comes to me.. oh right.. email.. or laundry, oh the Phone.. (goodie a friend calls to ask how I am doing) and oh wow an idea for a blog.. let’s write that now.. before I loose my inspiration.
I checked out my biorhythm.. tells you how many days you have lived until now (goodie I am 17076 days old today … that sounds ancient). But.. thinking that my biorhythm would be the cause of me not working out.. smelled like procrastinating too.
It is me.. and my habits. I read that it takes 21 days before something is upgraded into your system and becomes a habit. If i strike a deal with myself and start a 21 day challenge to workout.. my IP will have moved out.. at least on the crosstrainer matter 🙂
I will hang this quote all over my house.. for the next 21 days..