2 gedachten over “May I take your coat?”

  1. In the last quarter of 2012, I watched an episode of The Supernaturals that made me decide to let go of everything, and hold absolutely nothing against anyone anymore.

    Normally, I’m a happy person but there were a few people at that time of my life that had caused me so much hurt. I decided to let go! I decided to forgive, and to forget my deepest hurts.

    I also made a decision not to do anything that will bug my conscience even a little bit. This was the harder decision, but I’m getting along fine. The “forgive and forget” decision was a lot easier and I can recall memories of people that once hurt me with a genuine smile on my face 🙂

    Over the years, I have somehow conditioned my brain to only remember the best moments of my past, even in the most painful experiences. This is one of my secrets to happiness 🙂

    I may have a few layers of coat, but thank God they are still quite colorful :)))

    1. Thank you for you beautiful reaction Okiemute 🙂

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