imagesCPCVPBRWYesterday I was asked to write down a quote on a painting. I wrote “People will not remember you by what you said, the will remember you by how you made them feel’.

The quote was food for thought (I’m rather good in doing that). How can I inspire people?

Just like every one else I stopped to ask myself the question what my purpose in life is. At about 40 I did a lot of workshops to learn techniques to help others and oddly enough that didn’t bring the result I had hoped for.  I had a beautiful practice for healing and I thought I had it all figured out.

imagesTUKO752KFrustrated I was thinking about what I was doing wrong, since things didn’t work out that well. Suddenly it hit me. You can help people just by being you.  Being the living proof was the way to do it. That idea was clear, but also disappointing. I had gone through so much trouble to learn all those techniques and than it seemed that it was all about being yourself and showing yourself.


imagesP7ESQQA4Bummer.. I thought. I thought I was such a wise person already and now I had to go through more life lessons to be able to be the living proof. Pffff. Having that insight I started living my life. Writing blogs about all things that made me happy, sad or angry. People liked them. Me being honest and open about myself was appealing. It took some guts to show myself, and at first I only wrote in a safe environment of friends. Showing your small self is kind of scary.

Funny enough I learned that showing your qualities is a good answer to the life purpose question. Every one has a inner gift that the can share with the world.  It’s just that you have to  discover your own gift first and than have the guts to share. If you do so.. life is a party!imagesJ3ST04DK


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