miekeI have known you for many years now and I would like to thank you for all the adventures we had together. The first time I saw you we absolutely hated each other. Me being  a hyperactive girl with nothing serious to tell and in your opinion a need for attention. You being a miss know-it-all with a much too serious outlook on live. I think it’s rather a miracle that we became friends.

The second time we met is when the friendship started. It was because of one word, that we became friends. A word that had kept us fascinated without knowing that we were both busy thinking about it. I looked at you.. I said the word… and we both started laughing.  For your birthday I’m writing this blog. A tribute to my friend. A thank you for your friendship. With you I can  make up the most silly stories and record it on a voice recorder and listen to it and laughing about


gardenWith you I can eat cake with my fingers and get covered in cake, because it tastes better that way. With you I can celebrate non existing holidays. The ‘it’s not your birthday’- party is hilarious.

Celebrating the 5th of December (Dutch Sinterklaas celebration) is a date I wouldn’t miss with you. We have the same intention. It’s not about getting, but about giving. We make a lot of effort to make surprise gifts and the get better and more beautiful every year.

With you I can cry. You will find me a piece of paper and we start drawing or doing any other artistic activity. If you are away for a few days, I send you an message asking if you are back in our city yet. It feels better if you’re around. Our city.. that’s  another thing. You moved there first, I followed. Both inspired by the city. Other people wouldn’t live here, but we see the beauty and opportunity in this city. Almere has it all!

In the darkest of times we were around. You in my live and me  in yours. We always found the light again. Sometimes I think you are an irritating person, and without a doubt you will think the same of me. But somewhere I always find the reason  why we are friends and let you be you for that moment, if you need to be irritating.

We are very different.. and yet we are not. I have learned a lot because of you and I know I can be me.. with you. Mieke Vijn.. you funny, cute, complicated, but very dear friend.. Happy Birthday..

As I was writing the tribute.. I had a vision.. I see us in 30 years from now.. (see if you can look at this with out laughing)… imagesVF8BHSRM


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