imagesUTYZP505Every week the Ambassadors of Kindness from LVI get a mail from the founder. A lovely person. Full of optimism and extremely inspiring. She has a task for us to spread kindness.

This week: Peace by piece.  Make-up with a family member or friend you’ve been fighting with. No, it’s not easy but it’s worth it. Make a call, send a small gift with a handwritten note, just make the effort! And remember, it’s not always about who’s right or wrong.

non speaking1Well.. there you have it…  Nice one! Normally I gladly start the task but this time..

Three years it’s has been that I’ve been on non speaking terms with someone.  I often think about that it would be nicer if we were speaking to each other. But then the ‘well, it’s just the way it is…” comes. And years went by.Every time I think about it, the last contact comes to mind and the words that were said.  Every time my feeling about being right comes around.

I know that it’s an old wound and there is the thought of “Yes, but if it’s going to be like before, than I’d rather have things stay as they are.”
images3ZWE2BYYThe quarrel is a waltz between two ego’s who both think they’re right. ‘You are doing this..” is being answered by “Yes, but you are doing that..” and next thing you know it’s pushing and shoving. If none of them are willing to give in, that will be the end of the relationship.
I’ve tried some things to work on this situation. Sending a card, but the answer I got back had some critical question in it of why I sent a card after all this time and I withdrew my thoughts of making peace.
I’m not going to fur fill the task today, but it got me thinking. In my conviction of being right I seem to forget that the other person has feelings too. Due to my wish to be right I’m blinded. My compassion is blurred by the wish to be right. I think this blog is a piece of peace and who knows what might follow.
Being right or being happy..nice question. In being right there’s no contact, if I want to be happy, I must let the being right go.

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