AHADo you know the feeling, that you see someone, or read something and you are impressed from the first moment… It might be a single sentence, or the way someone says it. It got you inspired. When something inspires, it will have impact on you. It’s a kind of AHA moment.

Being a wannabe world changing person I constantly have them. The AHA moments. I came across a quote which inspired me. “People will never forget the way you made them feel”.

I discovered that I can be inspiring through the people I worked with. The way I say things makes a difference. Often it’s an unpredictable way of saying things, or using an odd way to do it. But because of this different way, people do tend to start thinking about what I said. Using metaphors is fun and functional.

Daf en ikI’ve always loved using them. My daughter wasn’t really keen on geography and tried to avoid studying. I started making up songs about places she had to learn by heart. In New Work people eat soup with a fork, in Amsterdam you eat sandwiches with peanut butter and jam. Silly songs made her laugh, but she did memorize the places and grew to like studying.

My dream is based on causing people to become happy with themselves. What better way to do this than to be a role model. Showing how live can be fun, but also hard work sometimes.

People tend to learn more easily if they look at someone else instead of themselves and get the AHA moment that way. They don’t have to watch their own flaws or pain, because it’s presented to them in a fun way.

imagesS0JTRNBUMy Betty has some ideas about a show about this, starring.. who else could it be.. HER. I leave her in this illusion for now. Although.. it might be an interesting evening. People would have lots of AHA moments if Betty’s stories were told to them. Who knows.. maybe in the future..


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AHAKen je dat gevoel.. dat je iemand ziet, of iets leest en je meteen onder de indruk raakt? Het kan slechts een enkele zin zijn of de manier waarop iemand het zei. Het inspireerde. Als iets inspireert, zal het ongetwijfeld ook een impact hebben.

Het is een soort AHA… moment (meer…)


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