waking upI wake up… open one eye and i see a beam of sunlight.. trying to wiggle its way towards my face. I smile. The sun wants to tell me.. hey I am here, look at my beauty today. I sigh  and i feel like a cat who has been lying on a soft pillow for hours.. stretching my little paws.. I step out of bed, open the window. A butterfly flies to me and tickles my nose.. I sneeze and laugh.. you silly butterfly. Slowly the day starts..

A day full of things that might happen.. new things.

imagesT87DMPA0I take my coffee and my breakfast and i step into the world. It’s easy to enter.. just press one button and you’re in. The virtual world. In this world there are all sorts of people living in their little virtual houses.. each one with their own decoration. You can visit them if you want. Just dropping in to see who they are.

If you do so… the challenge begins.. once you start communicating. Words are chosen to express feelings, thoughts.. and boy.. that is complicated! One word can be enough to really trigger someone, hurt someone, make someone feel terrible. (The opposite effect must be named too.. a positive word can make someone feel great).

canstockphoto7311267-300x300Some people like to express themselves through writing. Excellent! There are so many wonderful stories. The other inhabitants of this world read these stories and than it happens… words come alive. Words are given meaning. They get interpreted. Interpreted with the feelings of the reader. The next thing you know is that the reader writes a comment using words and the author will respond.. It’s a circle of action/reaction.

It is an art to leave the words be. To not make it personal and let the reaction be owned by the author of the words. That takes something.. What … It takes self esteem. Knowing you can be who you want to be no matter what others say/write. It actually is a right. A right that humans have put in a law.. the right to exist.

images5HNEP66XSo.. that right doesn’t have to be earned or granted… It’s YOURS. From the day you were born. The funny thing is, that people seem to think that it is handed out by others. They seem to think that others will decide if you are worthy of being you. Their opinion seems to matter..

I’m in the virtual world and i see the sun in the sky. The blue colour of the sky is calming. I see others in their houses on internet and I get a little inner tickle of happiness. A kind of thank you feeling. Because thanks to other people I learn. I bump in to my own challenges and create an opportunity for me to grow. That’s what going on in the virtual world.. it’s a world of mirrors.

If you want you can learn so much. Grow doesn’t come without pain. I say.. all you lovely people, thank you, for being you and for the opportunity for me to become a better person because of you. Please be your own lovely selves, even though i might not always like that and I might have some difficulty with our differences.


images7JOW419XYou have the same right as I do to be yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are spiritual, vegetarian, vegan, Buddhist, Jewish, catholic, if you like making windmills out of clothe pins… we are all HUMAN with a heart and a soul. And oh.. what a perfect world it is.. the world of imperfection.

And if you were to doubt your right to be you… well…I say.. I just love the fact that you are in this world!

I’m wishing you a lovely day!imagesCG65MB7A



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