imagesIE5QJL8X100 days ago I started the challenge with the question “Can I be happy for 100 days in a row?” The fact that I’m writing this blog means that the answer is YES!

On January 7th I started. Naming 3 things that made me happy that day. That’s 300 happy thoughts!  

grey1People often told me that it was so cool that I started this, given my circumstances. Being unemployed is tough, yes, that made the challenge extra hard. Applying for jobs is a job by it self including the grey cloud of the rejections I got on my applications. It was funny to see, that when I had to think about 3 things that made me happy that day , I always seemed to manage to come up with them. Not always the most spectacular things, but my thoughts were directed to the positive side.

antique_china_tea_cupsWhen I look at the 300 happy thoughts I notice that I went to the spa a lot of times and I’ve consumed large amounts of tea with my best friend, had hours of conversations with old colleagues. Being an Ambassador of Kindness did help a lot in the 100 days. Like-minded people lift each others spirit and on our own FB page I found a lot of comfort and love.

images36OZE9PPBeing happy and staying happy takes a good thought management. I’ve had some heavy discussions with people about it. It’s your choice what you decide to think each day. People disagreed.  Yes. but things happen to you! is what they said. That is the reason why we think unhappy thoughts!  True, I said, still it’s up to you if you spent the entire day thinking unhappy thoughts about what happened. You could also decide to put it aside for a while. That’s hard, I know. In the 100 days there were moments that I thought pfff 100 days.. that’s heavy.

Usually when something happened over which I had no control. Take children for example, they can have you worrying a lot. It took some practice for me to stop my thinking and say.. ok.. this is hard. Only to think of an imaginary box after that, where I stored the situation and let it be and go do something silly like doing dishes or doing something that required using my hands.

Another thing that’s not helping, is calling someone whom you know is going to support you in your negative thinking. Everything you give attention, is going to grow. That includes negativity. .

Positive thinking is not an achievement. It’s a muscle that needs training. By doing it every day it will grow stronger. If you were inspired by my challenge, I dare you to ask yourself this question..

Click on the question to go to the challenge




2 gedachten over “98, 99….100!”

  1. Well done Ernestine! And thanks for the inspiration and motivation indeed. To more happy days 🙂

  2. Lynda S.

    Great Job! I just started the challenge and would take into account you advice. 😀

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